

Assalamualaikum and hi!


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Saturday 6 February 2016 | 0 comments
Most people said,

"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done"

And yeah, some of us did that. Something that we'd never done before. Leaving MRSMKT, leaving UNFORESEEN3rd.. the hardest thing to been through i guess

And of course we're proud of all of you who are leaving.. Being part of unforeseen3rd and now became the representatives for our amazing batch to MRSM BITARA.

First of all, congratulations for those who'd been accepted to start a whole new life there. And for those who had tried applying for MRSM bitara too but didnt being called yet,, dont be sad. Remember that one saying, 'every cloud has it silver lining' means that, everything happened for reasons. Yeah, we planned but don't forget that Allah planned too. Yet, Allah is the BEST planner. 

And they made a move, and Allah made a move. And Allah is the best of those who make moves. [54]

Again, this post was dedicated to those who'll be leaving us.
So, ...


  • Ameerul Asyraf
  • Mohd Aiman
  • Syahril Irfan
  • Hilmi
  • Adila Syahzanni
  • Alissa Yuthly
  • Ilyya Izzati

  • Arief Iskandar
  • Iman Haiqal
  • Arif Iskandar
  • Amalina
  • Farida Saqina
  • Alia Nadzirah

  • Hafiey
  • Auni Nadhirah
  • Anira Ayu

P/S :Sorry kalau ade salah spelling nama :)

And here... some typical 'pesanan' for those who was in the pitcha

  1. Jaga diri, hopefully tk mudah terpengaruh ngan bnde2 negative
  2. Jaga nama baik KT and unforeseen3rd kat negeri org tuu
  3. Study hard and smart biar result gempak sokmo
  4. Jaga hubungan dgn Allah
That's all for now. Bye!

Saturday 30 January 2016 | 0 comments
Hye peep(s) ,,

Dulu-dulu kita kata, "stay together sentiasa"
Then, "set time gather,kita jumpa"
Then, "dapat jumpa pon dah cukup syukur"
Sampai akhirnya, "dorang ape khabar ek?" "lame gile tak jumpa" "rindu member2 yang dulu"

Dulu kalau nk berkumpul terus berkumpul. Tak perlu banyak alasan. Lama kelamaan contact via groupchat,yang respon sikit dan makin sikit. Sampai akhirnya masing2 sibuk sendiri.

Well, kalau dah jadi macam ni memang bukan salah sesiapa pun, memang masanya aje yang dah habis. And the least we can say is, "Goodluck bro, see ya at the top"

Satu masa kita akan jenguk ke belakang, dan menyedari sebahagian member2 lama hilang satu persatu.

Dari yang nak bertegur terus menyapa, sampai nak chat kena tanya dulu, "busy ke?"

Dari yang dulu tak segan silu bahan-membahan, sampai nak 'comment' pon kadang2 teragak-agak.

Dari yang nak chat tak perlu ada topik, sampai nak chat tunggu ada keperluan atau topik.

Dari yang tak malu nak pinjam duit, sampai nak tanye khabar pon segan.

Cuma mampu scroll news feed, and feels happy that everyone is doing great.

Jangan remehkan secebis rasa rindu.
Kalau ada yang ajak gather, usahakan untuk join walaupun belum nak berapa rindu or rasa malas.


Friends will come and go, but true friends stay together until old age.Menceritakan kisah2 persahabatan dengan anak cucu,Bersama menjalani jatuh bangunnya dan suka duka hidup bersama.

All the good things will end? 

Sure it will. :')

Kerja Rumah Cuti Sem 1 [2015]
Sunday 31 May 2015 | 0 comments

BM - handout cuti sem
SC - soalan PT3 thun lepas
MATH - handout linear equation & inequalities
PAI - nota
KH - nota & modul
SEJ - nota sampai bab 7

XTVT WEEK with homeroom
Friday 20 March 2015 | 0 comments
@ Kem Casuarina

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another
Sebab makan dalam talam itu sunnah 
Having a good discussion is like having riches

Hard times will always reveal true friends

We don't remember day, We remember moments.

What ever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy
Love begins by taking care of the closest one

Being a sister or a brother means being there for each other
Sharing is Caring n Caring is Lovin'
Life is like an ice-cream, taste it before it melt 
We are nothing without brotherhood
Let your smile change the world, don't let the world change your smile

It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring
Sisters are for sharing laughter and wiping tears

Peace begins with a smile

Cooking with love provides food for the soul

When you point a finger at someone , you have 3 fingers pointing at yourself.
so look at yourself at least 3 times before judging someone else

Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire

Rocket Launching ?
Thursday 19 March 2015 | 0 comments
Never underestimate anything 

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